Using CartoDB and OpenStreetMap in QGIS

Lucas Jellema
5 min readJan 6, 2024
In QGIS, CartoDB basemap with GeoJSON layer superimposed

Using QGIS (open source Quantum GIS tool) to gather, visualize, analyze, edit, process and export Geo Data is fun. I only discovered QGIS fairly recently. And now of course I see it popping up everywhere. I read about Leaflet, DataWrapper, OpenStreetMap, CartoDB, MapWarper, MapShaper, ArcGIS — and somehow everywhere I turn QGIS pops up again. As a great tool for working with geo data in many different formats, bringing…



Lucas Jellema

Lucas Jellema is CTO and IT architect at Conclusion, The Netherlands. He is Oracle ACE Director, one time JavaOne Rockstar and programmer