Run SonarQube on OCI- 10 minutes to get going using Docker Container on always free VM

Lucas Jellema
10 min readOct 14, 2020

In this article I want to describe how I run a SonarQube instance (that I intend to use from my automated CI/CD pipeline) on OCI, using a simple VM and a simple Docker container image. The VM gets a public IP address and I need to SSH into it in order to install Docker and run the SonarQube image. Note: SonarQube automatic is a static code analysis and review tool to detect bugs, vulnerabilities, and code smells in code programmed in one of the 20+ supported languages. There are multiple versions of SonarQube



Lucas Jellema

Lucas Jellema is CTO and IT architect at Conclusion, The Netherlands. He is Oracle ACE Director, one time JavaOne Rockstar and programmer